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​In todays economy we must be careful who we trust. It is hard to give donations to someone you will never meet. All monetary donations must go through our Go Fund Me account which is a trusted secure website. Good Samaritan Outreach is a trustworthy organization with a heart for the poor. We are not looking to get rich in any way, shape or form. This is our promise, the more you give, the more we will give to the community. Our heart is to give back. Our goal is to be the Church God intended us to be. Not about show, not about talk, not about get rich quick schemes but instead helping the needy, the disabled and the homeless. We want to walk the walk and be the hands and feet of Jesus. This is a daunting task but with the help of the Almighty and the help of volunteers like you..... we can do it! No one in Orlando should have to go to bed one!

Have Questions? Feel free to email us, call us, or visit our food pantry located in Orlando, FL.

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